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Academy Of Interactive Entertainment
Group Projects

Academy Of Interactive Entertainment
Solo Projects

Tidal (Unreal)

Tidal is a puzzle exploration game with tied in time based elements. As you explore a vast island with many screts the player will come to know of an impending threat, which to be avoided must use the islands ancient structures to survive.


This was the final project of my time at the institution A.I.E. for my second year of study. Working with a group of 6 students over 5 months. 

To Access please downlaod here :


Random Ransack (Unity)

RandomRansack is a time based puzzle game where you have to find a item in a room through a prompt in a specific amount of time.


This project was developed with my Team Intro Punch Games (Guppy Games at the time) as a game jam to help team dynamic before the production of Tidal.


Cultivate (Unity)

A cozy rooftop farming game to detail the possibilities of permaculture and the beneifts of its use in everyday society.


This project was developed with a team of students at A.I.E. as an end of first year assignment over 2 months. 


Sacked For Time (Unity)

Another Game Jam project made with fellow team memebers at my prior educational institution A.I.E.

Its a small game made in day where you hit enemies of a central platform.

I worked as 1 of 2 programmers on the project.


Bean Bag Toss (Unity VR)

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Bean Bag Toss (Unity VR)

This is your Project description. Provide a brief summary to help visitors understand the context and background of your work. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start.

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